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Growing Together: DSS Security Officers Gather for Annual Training Weekend

Each year, DSS Security Officers get together to complete a weekend of hands-on training led by Carl Dakin and members of their own teams.

With their posts covered by an on-call team, full and part-time DSS Officers get to spend a paid weekend coming together to learn, connect, and grow their skillset.

Nurturing Public Speaking Skills for Security Officers

Team Leaders and all interested Security Officers have the opportunity to develop their public speaking and presenting skills by taking the lead on a designated topic.

Presentations by the team include:

  • Regular DSS procedures to ensure all Officers are working in alignment;

  • Lockdown simulations and hands-on procedure practice, and;

  • Education about high risk scenarios, such as Marauding Terrorist Attacks.

Fostering a Safe Working Environment for All

In line with our strong sense of social responsibility, DSS allocate a portion of the day to discussing appropriate workplace behaviour.

The Team are reminded that working with diversity requires cultural awareness, openness, and respect. They discuss their own thoughts on boundaries and socialising at work, and are reminded where to go should they have any concerns.

Some companies wait until an issue arises to respond - DSS take proactive measures such as these to build a strong foundation for a supportive working environment. We believe this is a vital step towards building an inclusive team where every Officer feels safe and valued.

Extending First Aid Skills

Building on the basic Emergency First Aid at Work certification required of all DSS Officers, the training weekend gives Officers the opportunity to learn Disaster First Aid, led by Carl Dakin.

Officers first discuss when and where Disaster First Aid might be used, drawing on lessons learned from the Manchester Attacks. They are reminded of their duties in the event of a disaster prior to delivering First Aid, including decision-making and communicating.

The practical segment begins with a tour of the Disaster First Aid kits, in which Officers understand what each tool is for and why it’s included. They learn to name and medically describe the application of each item to ensure they can deliver efficient handovers to emergency services.

Officers are then assigned to different stations to practise Disaster First Aid skills. They tie and secure real tourniquets, wrap bandages for severe bleeding and penetration wounds, and practice their standard CPR skills.

Connecting as a Team

After a packed weekend, DSS Officers are invited to celebrate their hard work together. The team gather for food and a few drinks, refreshed and ready to take on the year ahead.

Find out more about working for DSS.


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