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DSS Security Officers Quickly Respond to Risk at Large Scale Corporate Event

This annual Halloween event is an all-out festival of spooky celebrations, complete with fresh food, live actors, and an open bar - all inside their own corporate office space. 

DSS Corporate and Events Officers are on hand to make sure the event runs smoothly.

Setting Up for Success

Before the event kicks off, the DSS team re-organise access controls to allow the events team to set up the space and green rooms. They signpost and communicate alternative routes to everybody on site, while supporting the events team to brand the disruption as exciting and mysterious.

They conduct a full search of and around the area, checking for anything out of the ordinary and confirming full and unobstructed access to all fire escapes.

As event contractors begin to arrive, they are verified, signed in, and personally escorted to their point of contact.

Managing Ingress: Tickets, Queues, and Maintaining Good Moods

Event-goers soon gather. DSS Security Officers verify tickets and IDs, and issue colour-coded wristbands.

Maintaining a positive atmosphere is key at this stage - most guests have concluded a full day of work and are keen to get inside the event. They have likely been inconvenienced by the access alterations, and are now being asked to wait inside a busy reception area while organisers finish setting up the main space.

With anticipation rising, DSS Security Officers manage queues and a growing crowd with calm and friendly attitudes.

When the event organisers give the green light, DSS Officers coordinate a steady ingress and successfully manage crowd flow into the events space.

Utilising Dynamic Risk Assessments

As the event gets into full swing, DSS Officers take up their posts. The music is booming, the drinks are poured, and a spooky clown (a party essential) is roaming the venue.

Officers are visible and optimally positioned throughout the event, ready to support guests and manage access points.

In line with the client’s company culture, our DSS Officers also get to participate in the fun. They spend their break times chatting with attendees, enjoying the food, and even signing up for karaoke!

Once each break is over, it’s back to business with reinforced trust, recognition, and approachability.

An unforeseen risk arises as home time is approaching: remaining guests begin to migrate from the dancefloor to the stage. 

Officers diligently complete a dynamic risk assessment, realising that the stage is not designed for a large number of people. 

They respond quickly, repositioning themselves by the stage and introducing a “one off, one on'' system. They offer support to help guests get on and off the stage safely, and keep a watchful eye while remaining engaged with guests.

Managing Egress: Safeguarding and Signposting

As soft egress begins, Officers coordinate with the DJ to wind down the night.

DSS Officers recognise their duty to safeguard the public. As such, they support vulnerable guests to ensure they have a safe route home, and they position themselves in high-visibility clothing at regular intervals between the venue and the nearest station.


Packed up and ready to head home, Officers quickly debrief with the team and the event organisers to discuss the night’s success.

All stakeholders agree that the event ran smoothly, and that our Security Officers did an excellent job.


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